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FIFA urged to review congested calendar or face legal action from player unions and leagues

2024-06-03 16:45:25 [travel] Source:International Ink news portal

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA has been warned of legal action from players and national leagues if it does not backtrack on adding new and bigger competitions to the congested calendar of men’s international soccer.

FIFA is criticized for “unilateral decisions that benefit its own competitions and commercial interests” — including the World Cup and expanded 32-team Club World Cup that debuts next year — in a letter sent by global players union FIFPRO and the World Leagues Association seen on Thursday by The Associated Press.

The letter claims it is “inherently abusive” for FIFA to continue adding games while forcing players and leagues to adapt.

FIFA is urged to reschedule the revamped Club World Cup due in the United States in June 2025. The lineup includes Champions League finalists Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund plus Manchester City and Bayern Munich.

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